Customer Reviews For The OB Water Store
We selected a few of our many positive customer reviews featured on Yelp and placed them here, providing the best possible water and customer service are two of our main goals. Please stop in and give our water a try, you will be glad you did.
Our customers tell us we have the finest water store in San Diego. The reviews you just read show how they feel and we appreciate their feedback.We built this store being water connoisseurs ourselves, fed up with buying large amounts of plastic water bottles at the market, and wanting to drink the cleanest and finest water.
Our filtration system is state of the art and we are always looking to improve it when possible. A example of that is we just installed in March a Catalytic Carbon Filter which is the newest technology for filtering out Chloramine which is a combination of chlorine and ammonia and is used as a substitute for chlorine in the water.
The Catalytic Carbon filter also improves the taste and rids the water of that sulfur egg smell better than any conventional carbon block filter that most stores use. So please stop on in and give our water a try.
We also have a full selection of water accessories from crocks and stands, all types of BPA free bottles and other cool water accessories. Below is a sampling of what we have for you.
All Size Plastic Water Bottles
2,3,5 Gallon bottle dispensers with spigots.
Gallon bottle dispensers with spigots.
Glass water bottles from 1/2 gallon to 5 Gallon
All size water crocks and stands
Hot and cold water cooler dispensers.
Hot/cold shower dechlorinators.
Manual water pumps and home R.O purifiers
Water softeners
We look forward to you stopping by 🙂